دراسات مناطقية (او تدعى أحيانا دراسات ثقافية)
- دراسات أمريكية
- دراسات أفريقية
- دراسات آسيوية
- دراسات كاثوليكية
- دراسات كندية
- دراسات صينية
- دراسات أوروبية شرقية
- دلااسات الإسبرانتو
- دراسات ألمانية
- دراسات دولية
- دراسات يابانية
- دراسات أمريكية لاتينية
- دراسات إيرانية
- دراسات إسلامية
- دراسات يهودية
- دراسات روسية
دراسات دينية
- دراسات دينية مقارنة
- إلهيات مسيحية Christian theology
- Angelology
- علم الإنسان Anthropology
- علم الكتاب المقدس Bibliology
- Canon law
- دراسات كاثوليكية
- تاريخ الكنيسة
- مسيحيات Christology
- Ecclesiology
- Eschatology
- Hamartiology
- Pneumatology
- Soteriology
- Theodicy
- القانون و الإنجيل Law and Gospel
- أخلاق Ethics
- Homiletics
- دراسات إسلامية Islamic studies
- دراسات يهودية
- الكتاب المقدس Bible
- هالاخاه Halakha
- تاريخ يهودي Jewish history
- فلسفة يهودية Jewish philosophy
- أدب يهودي Jewish literature
- قابالاه Kabbalah
- مدراش Midrash
- تلمود
- Liturgics
- ميثولوجيا Mythology
- إلهيات Theology
- علم الأبراج* Astrology
- Divination*
- Esotericism*
- Moral theology*
- Mystical theology*
- تأملية* Mysticism
- علم الأعداد* Numerology
- تنجيمية* Occult
- روحانية Spirituality
- شعائر غامضة غربية* Western mystery tradition
- Accounting scholarship
- Business ethics
- Finance
- Hospitality Business
- Industrial and labor relations
- Collective bargaining
- Human resources
- International and comparative labor
- Labor economics
- Labor history
- Labor statistics
- Information systems
- Management
- Marketing
- Manufacturing
- Urban planning
- Urban Design
- Industrial Design, Product design
- Visual Communication, Graphic design, Interface design
- Architecture
- Interior Design (also see family and consumer science below), Interior Architecture
- Landscape architecture
- Landscape planning
- Fashion design, Textile design
- Curriculum and instruction
- Elementary Education (Primary education & Intermediate education)
- Middle school education
- Secondary education
- Higher education
- Adapted physical education
- Agricultural education
- Art education
- Bilingual education
- Chemistry education
- Language education
- Legal education
- Mathematics education
- Medical education
- Military education and training
- Music education
- Peace education
- Physical education
- Physics education
- Reading education
- Religious education
- Science education
- Sex education
- Technology education
- Vocational education
- Educational leadership
- Educational psychology
- Educational technology
- Canon law
- Comparative law
- Constitutional law
- Civil law
- Accounting law
- Admiralty law
- Corporations
- Civil procedure
- Contracts
- Environmental law
- International law
- Labor law
- Property law
- Tax law
- Torts
- Criminal law
- Criminal procedure
- Criminal justice (also see Public Affairs and Social Work below)
- Islamic law
- Jewish law
- Jurisprudence
- Manx law
- Philosophy of law
- Archival science
- Bibliometrics
- Citation analysis
- Human information behaviors
- Informatics
- Information architecture
- Informetrics
- Knowledge organization
- Museum informatics
- Scholarly communication
- Scientometrics
- Artillery
- Air force studies
- Campaigning
- Combat engineering
- Comparative military systems
- Doctrine
- Force planning
- Game theory (also see economics above)
- Generalship
- Joint warfare studies
- Leadership
- Logistics
- Military ethics
- Military history
- Military intelligence
- Military law
- Military medicine
- Naval science
- Naval engineering
- Naval tactics
- Naval architecture
- Weapons systems
- Special operations and low intensity conflict
- Strategy
- Tactics
شؤون عامة
- Criminal justice (also see Law above)
- Corrections (also see Social Work below)
- Nonprofit administration (also see Social Work below)
- Parks and recreation management
- Public administration
- Industrial and labor relations (also see Business above)
العمل الاجتماعي
- Child welfare
- Community practice
- Community organizing
- Social policy
- Human services management
- Nonprofit management (also see Public affairs above)
- Corrections (also see Public affairs above)
- Family and children's services
- Gerontology
- Medical social work
- Mental health
- School social work