Source · Quelle · Fonto: User:Vzb83
The proportions of this flag are 3:2; however, there is no official definition for the correct proportions and also 5:3 is widely used.
Bleu : le Congo et l'océan qui le berce, (blue : Congo and the ocean that border it)
Blanc : le Chad et son coton, (white : Chad and its cotton)
Vert : le Gabon et ses forêts, (green : Gabon and its forests)
Or : le Centrafrique et ses richesses minières, (gold : Centrafrica and its mine resources)
Rouge : le sang versé par tous les martyrs, (red, the blood poored by all the martyrs)
L'étoile guidant les pas du peuple noir vers la liberté et l'émancipation (the star leading the steps of black people towards liberty and emancipation).
Ces quatre pays sont les anciennes colonies de l'AEF (those four nations are the former colonies of the French Equatorial Africa).
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