
بتول الخضيري




hard cover دار بانثيون للنشر- نيويورك 2001

paper back دار آنكور للنشر- نيويورك- 2002.



القاهرة- تشرين ألأول 2005

كتابات اخرئ للكاتبه:

كتابات اخرئ للكاتبه باللغه الانكليزيه

The Guardian - An etiquette of condolences / Mourning rituals are a social duty for women in Iraq. The west could learn from them /Monday June 30, 2003

Woman this month - Doing Business with Iraq / Woman this month magazine - Hard Talk (Issue 8) / August, 2003 - Bahrain. Full text document]]

The Guardian - Meeting Mr Bechtel - The conference was called Doing Business with Iraq. I pinned the badge on my blouse and walked in / Tuesday September 2, 2003. Full text document

Al Quds Al Arabi - Between two Book Fairs 4/3/2004, also published in the Jordan Times 8/3/2004

Al Quds Al Arabi - Iraqi women 2/3/2004

The Guardian - Remaindered in Frankfurt I was invited to the book fair's 'festival of curiosity'; but it turned out to be more of a cultural confusion / Friday October 29, 2004

The Guardian - Comment is free - Botox in Baghdad. Three years on, Iraq has become a nation of missed deadlines

كتابات اخرئ للكاتبه باللغه الفرنسيه

Le Jourdain (a French weekly published in Jordan) - Amman - 19/Fev/2004

A PLUME DE L'ECRITURE - La Mère de toutes les Pantoufles

Le Jourdain (a French weekly published in Jordan) - Amman 8 Avril2004 POINTS DE VUES - Entre deux Foires du Livre

Le Jourdain - 18/Dec/2004 - LA PLUME DE L'ECRITURE - Le monde arabe, invité d’honneur à la Foire du livre de Francfort

Librstion fr Evénement Irak : Betool Khedairi, romancière irakienne vivant en Jordanie, raconte la préparation du scrutin :«Comment seront-ils prêts à temps?»

Le Jourdain -Amman - 11/Mars/2004 - LA PLUME DE Le L'ECRITURE - Les Irakiennes





