
صورة:Interpolation Data.png

This is a plot of the data points used in the interpolation example. It is generated by the following Gnuplot commands:

set terminal png notransparent font "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf" size 300,300 crop set output "Interpolation Data.png" set key off set xzeroaxis set xtics axis 1,1 set ytics nomirror 1 set border 2 plot "ipdata.txt" with points pointtype 7 pointsize 1, 0 with lines -1

The file "ipdata.txt" contains the following data

0 0 1 0.8415 2 0.9093 3 0.1411 4 -0.7568 5 -0.9589 6 -0.2794

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