The flag of Jersey. It is from the xrmap flag collection, specifically "uk_jersey.svg" in flags-2.6-src.tar.bz2. The README file in that collection says of the SVG flags "We release them in the public domain".
It is easy to put a border around this flag: |
[[Image:Flag of Jersey.svg|border|100px]]
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Українська | | አማርኛ | +/-
This file has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder, its copyright has expired, or it is ineligible for copyright. This applies worldwide. |
Note: This tag is obsolete! Nothing is public domain without a reason. Don't use this generic template - please use instead:
- {{}} (for works out of copyright where the author has been dead for over 70 years),
- {{}} (for photos of old paintings and art out of copyright),
- {{}} (for trivial work),
- {{}} (for work by the U.S. federal government),
- {{}} (if the uploader and creator releases the rights),
- {{|user}} (if another user released his/her rights), or {{}}.
- use {{|projectcode|projectname|username}} for users with no account on Commons.
- {{|Author's name}} - for works released into the public domain by non-Wikimedia users.
- If the work is PD for another reason, check the copyright tag page or use {{|reason}}.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Türkçe | | +/-
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