This file was a candidate on Picture of the Year 2007. This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons: it is considered one of our finest images. This is a featured picture on English Wikipedia and is considered one of the finest images. If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license, be sure to upload it, tag it, and nominate it. |
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This image was selected as a picture of the day for . It was captioned as followed:
Asturianu: Ún de los primeros vuelos n'avión tripuláu fechu por Orville Wright y Wilburg Wright en Kitty Hawk, Carolina del Norte, n'avientu de 1903.
Deutsch: Der erste Flug der Gebrüder Wright am 17. Dezember 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, USA dauerte 12 Sekunden und legte etwa 37 m zurück.
Español: Uno de los primeros vuelos en avión tripulado realizado por Orville Wright y Wilburg Wright en Kitty Hawk, Carolina del Norte, en diciembre de 1903.
Français : L’un des premier vols habités de l’histoire dans un aéronef plus lourd que l’air (40 mètres en 12 secondes), par les frères Wright le 17 décembre 1903 à 10h35 sur la plage de Kitty Hawk en Caroline du Nord.
Orville est aux commandes, allongé sur le ventre sur l’aile basse et les hanches dans la nacelle qui servait à contrôler le mouvement des ailes ; Wilbur court le long de l’appareil et vient de lacher l’aile droite. Le rail de lancement, des étais et d’autres équipements nécessaires pour la préparation du vol sont visibles. Galego: Un dos primeiros voos, tripulado polos irmáns Wright, en avión en Kitty Hawk, Carolina do Norte.
עברית: אחת הטיסות הראשונות שביצעו האחים רייט במטוסם הראשון - קיטי הוק, קרוליינה הצפונית
Italiano: 17 dicembre 1903: Uno dei primi voli con un mezzo più pesante dell'aria, i fratelli Wright sulla spiaggia di Kitty Hawk nella Carolina del Nord compiono un volo lungo 40 metri e della durata di 12 secondi.
Nederlands: Een van de eerste vluchten van de gebroeders Wright in het plaatsje Kitty Hawk in de Amerikaanse staat North Carolina op 17 december 1903
Polski: Jeden z pierwszych lotów na Kity Hawk, Karolina Północna.
Português: Orville Wright pilota deitado sobre uma das asas de seu avião, em Kitty Hawk, Carolina do Norte.
Română: Unul din primele zboruri în Kitty Hawk, Carolina de Nord - fraţii Wright.
Svenska: Bröderna Wright under en av de första flygningarna vid Kitty Hawk i North Carolina.
Українська: Один из перших польотів «Флайера-1» братів Райт. Кітті-Хок, Північна Кароліна.
This featured picture is fairly large and has an aspect ratio of approximately 8:5, 16:10, or 16:9, making it suitable as a widescreen computer wallpaper.
See the gallery of such images, or the gallery of non-widescreen images. |
Description |
English: One of the first flights, 120 feet in 12 seconds, 10:35 a.m.; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
Orville Wright at the controls of the machine, lying prone on the lower wing with hips in the cradle which operated the wing-warping mechanism. Wilbur Wright running alongside to balance the machine, has just released his hold on the forward upright of the right wing. The starting rail, the wing-rest, a coil box, and other items needed for flight preparation are visible behind the machine. Français : L’un des premier vols habités de l’histoire dans un aéronef plus lourd que l’air (40 mètres en 12 secondes), par les frères Wright le 17 décembre 1903 à 10h35 sur la plage de Kitty Hawk en Caroline du Nord.
Orville est aux commandes, allongé sur le ventre sur l’aile basse et les hanches dans la nacelle qui servait à contrôler le mouvement des ailes ; Wilbur court le long de l’appareil et vient de lacher l’aile droite. Le rail de lancement, des étais et d’autres équipements nécessaires pour la préparation du vol sont visibles. |
Source | |
Date |
1903 Dec. 17 |
Author |
John T. Daniels |
Permission (Reusing this image) |
created before 1923 so PD-US; No copyright claim has been asserted on the modification. |
Other versions |
Edited version of Image:Wrightflyer_highres.jpg. No copyright claim has been asserted on the modification.
Medium: 1 negative : glass, dry plate ; 5 x 7 in.
Photographer: John T. Daniels
Created/Published: [1903 Dec. 17]
REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-DIG-ppprs-00626 (digital file from original)
LC-W861-35 (b&w film copy neg.)
LC-USZ62-6166A (b&w film copy neg.)
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This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs Division under the digital ID cph.3a53266 This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information. |
This media file is in the public domain in the United States. This applies to U.S. works where the copyright has expired, often because its first publication occurred prior to January 1, 1923. See this page for further explanation.
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This image might not be in the public domain outside of the United States (this especially applies in Canada, China (not Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan Area), Germany, Mexico, and Switzerland). The creator and year of publication are essential information and must be provided. See Wikipedia:Public domain and Wikipedia:Copyrights for more details. |
The Library of Congress states that there are no known usage restrictions for this photograph.
الصفحات التالية تحتوي على وصلة لهذه الصورة:
هذا الملف يحتوي معلومات إضافية، غالبا ما تكون أضيفت من قبل آلة التصوير الإلكترونية أو الماسح الضوئي المستخدم في تحميل الصورة إلى الحاسوب. إذا كان الملف قد عُدّل عما كان عليه عند تحميل الصورة فإن المعلومات الواردة هنا قد لا تعبر عن هذه الصورة المعدلة.
التوجيه | وضعية طبيعية |
الدقة الأفقية | 72 نقطة لكل بوصة |
الدقة الرأسية | 72 نقطة لكل بوصة |
البرمجيات المستخدمة | Adobe Photoshop CS Windows |
تاريخ و وقت تغيير الملف | 14:51، 12 أبريل 2005 |
فرق اللون | 65535 |