Description |
English: Boy with smallpox. Face.
Deutsch: Pocken
Polski: Charakterystyczna wysypka na twarzy
日本語: 天然痘に感染した子供
Português: Uma criança infectada com varíola
Svenska: Ett barn med utslag i ansiktet orsakade av smittkoppor
Русский: Больной оспой
中文: 天花病人
Norsk (bokmål): Et barn smittet av kopper
Suomi: Isorokon aiheuttamia rokonarpia
Català: Nen amb verola
Türkçe: Çiçek hastalığına yakalanmış kişi
Slovenčina: Obeť pravých kiahní
Dansk: Patient med kopper
עברית: קרבן אבעבועות שחורות
Български: Дете, болно от вариола
العربية: أعراض الجدري
한국어: 천연두에 걸린 어린이
Hrvatski: Boginje
Íslenska: Barn sýkt af bólusótt
Cymraeg: Plentyn yn dioddef o'r frech wen
தமிழ்: பெரியம்மையால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு குழந்தை
Runa Simi: Muru unqusqa runa
Source |
Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here. |
Date |
None specified on PHIL 2002-09-05 (original upload date) |
Author |
Permission (Reusing this image) |
English: None - This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image.
![]() |
This image is a work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, taken or made during the course of an employee's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. |
(All user names refer to en.wikipedia)
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