W3C ✓ |
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English: The hazard symbol for flammable/highly flammable substances according to directive 67/548/EWG by the European Chemicals Bureau.
Deutsch: Das Gefahrensymbol für feuergefährliche Substanzen nach der Richtlinie 67/548/EWG vom European Chemicals Bureau (Chemikalienfachstelle der EU).
Italiano: Il simbolo di rischio per le sostanze facilmente infiammabili (F) ed estremamente infiammabili (F+) in accordo con la direttiva 67/548/EWG dell'Ufficio Chimico Europeo.
Older version: From clipart Gallery on sodipodi.com, April 29, 2006
See ECB hazard symbols for all symbols. There's also a borderless version of this image: Image:Hazard F no border.svg
This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.
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