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author: Piotr Michał Jaworski ( PioM )
place: POLAND/Poznań; 26IV2005,
description: Benedict XVI coat of arms like graphic.
This graphic isn't coat of arms, only official coat of arms, introduced in official normative acts of the states can be treated as coat of arms, this picture is copyrighted graphic and licenced according given by author license.
program: Drawn in InkScape
For all purpose:
For Printed publication and banners:
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This file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 License (cc-by-sa-2.0). In short: you are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it under this or a similar cc-by-sa license. |
This graphic isn't coat of arms, only official coat of arms, introduced in official normative acts of the states can be treated as coat of arms, this picture is copyrighted graphic and licenced according given by author license.
PL | EN |
Ta grafika objęta jest licencją GNU FDL. Zapoznaj się z zasadami wykorzystania grafik udostępnionych na tej licencji. Jeżeli w twoim zastosowaniu warunki licencji są trudne do zaakceptowania skontaktuj się z autorem: piomrex (małpa) konin.lm.pl, aby udostępnił ją Tobie na innej licencji. To nie jest wersja realizacja herbu Benedykta XVI identyczna z oficjalną wykładnią aktów normatywnych Stolicy Apostolskiej, jest to grafika przypominająca herb Benedykta XVI i jako konkretna realizacja autorska jest objęta prawem autorskim. |
This graphic is given at GNU FDL license. Be sure you know rules how you can use art with this type of licence. If this license doesn't meet your needs ask author (piomrex (-AT-) konin.lm.pl) to share it to you at different license. This isn't official coat of arms of Benedict XVI this graphic, is only a picture, it is only simillar to coat of arms of Benedict XVI, so it is copyrighted and you can use it according to GNU FDL licence. |
EN: If you want to use my graphic outside Wikipedia, and its resolution or license doesn't satisfy you, write to me: .
PL: Jeżeli chcesz użyć mojej grafiki poza Wikipedią a jej rozdzielczość, bądź licencja nie odpowiadają tobie napisz do mnie: .
Original: http://www.erzbistum-muenchen.de/archiv/iMA011/iMA01116001.JPG
Than colour scheme at: Vatican Site or bigger.
Here: http://www.avvenireonline.it/NR/exeres/71AA26FB-EA3B-4CA6-B44A-1565D2AC9CD7.htm is the same but in much worm colours.
First official appearing of Benedict XVI coat of arms, and here backup of that foto (made on Sunday, week after inauguration) it is foto with pope Benedict XVI with his tapestry, and here also buckup (made on Sunday, week after inauguration).
For more informations see at EN Wiki.
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