فهرس |
Gabriel's Horn
Hausdorff paradox Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel
Interesting number paradox
Missing square puzzle
Paradoxes of set theory Parrondo's paradox
Richard's paradox
Skolem's paradox Smale's paradox
Thomson's lamp
Zeno's paradoxes
Burali-Forti paradox
Cantor's paradox
Galileo's paradox
Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel
Russell's paradox
Set of all sets
Berkson's paradox Bertrand's box paradox Bertrand's paradox (probability) Birthday paradox Borel's paradox
Boy or Girl paradox
Exchange paradox
Monty Hall problem
Necktie Paradox Nontransitive dice
Simpson's paradox
Sleeping Beauty problem St. Petersburg paradox
Three Prisoners Problem Three cards problem Two envelopes problem
Will Rogers phenomenon
Accuracy paradox
Berkson's paradox
Gambler's fallacy
Hodgson's paradox
Lindley's paradox
Low birth weight paradox