Description |
English: Description: An Oxysternon conspicillatum, male. The family Scarabaeidae as presently defined consists of over 30,000 species of beetles worldwide. The species in this large family are often called scarabs or scarab beetles. The classification of this family is fairly unstable, with numerous competing theories, and new proposals appearing quite often.
Deutsch: Beschreibung: Ein Oxysternon conspicillatum, männlich. Die Blatthornkäfer (Scarabaeidae) sind eine Familie in der Ordnung der Käfer (Coleoptera). Sie kommen weltweit mit ca. 20.000 Arten vor. In Mitteleuropa sind sie mit 40 Gattungen und ca. 200 Arten vertreten.
Français : Oxysternon conspicillatum, un gros scarabée du Pérou. Individu mâle.
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self-made |
Date |
29.06.2007 |
Author |
Permission (Reusing this image) |
This file was a candidate on Picture of the Year 2007. This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons: it is considered one of our finest images. This is a featured picture on Spanish Wikipedia and is considered one of the finest images. If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license, be sure to upload it, tag it, and nominate it. |
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This image was selected as a picture of the day for . It was captioned as followed:
English: A male scarab beetle (Oxysternon conspicillatum).
Asturianu: Escarabayu machu de la especie Oxysternon conspicillatum.
Česky: Brouk Oxysternon conspicillatum z čeledi vrubounovití (Scarabaeidae).
Deutsch: Männlicher Blatthornkäfer (Oxysternon conspicillatum)
English: A male scarab beetle (Oxysternon conspicillatum).
Español: Un cubo de Rubik.
Galego: Escaravello macho da especie Oxysternon conspicillatum.
Magyar: Hím szkarabeuszbogár (Oxysternon conspicillatum)
Italiano: Un esemplare di scarabeo maschio (Oxysternon conspicillatum).
Nederlands: Een mannetjes-Oxysternon conspicillatum uit de familie der bladsprietkevers
Polski: Żuk z gatunku Oxysternon conspicillatum
Русский: Самец жука-скарабея (Oxysternon conspicillatum)
Svenska: En bladhorningshane av arten Oxysternon conspicillatum.
Українська: Самець жука-скарабея (Oxysternon conspicillatum).
中文(简体): 一只雄性粪金龟 (Oxysternon conspicillatum).
中文(繁體): 雄性糞金龜(Oxysternon conspicillatum)
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This image has been assessed using the Quality image guidelines and is considered a Quality image. |
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