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This image was selected as a picture of the day for . It was captioned as followed:
English: Aerial view of the tip of Manhattan, New York, 1942
Беларуская: Манхэтан (Ню-Ёрк) з вышыні.
Cymraeg: Ynys Manhattan, Efrog Newydd, UDA. (1942)
Deutsch: Luftbild von Manhattan, New York, 1942
English: Aerial view of the tip of Manhattan, New York, 1942
Suomi: Ilmakuva Manhattanin niemestä 1942
Français : Vue aérienne de Manhattan, New York, 1942.
Galego: Nova York
日本語: マンハッタンの航空写真(1942年・ニューヨーク)
Polski: Zdjęcie lotnicze Manhattanu (Nowy Jork, 1942)
Português: Vista aérea da ponta de Manhattan, Nova Iorque, 1942
Slovenščina: Panoramski pogled na Manhattan, New York, 1942
Svenska: Flygbild över Manhattan, New York - 1942
ไทย: มุมมองทางอากาศจากปลายสุดเกาะแมนฮัตตัน, นครนิวยอร์ก ค.ศ. ๑๙๔๒
Українська: Вигляд Манхеттона з повітря
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This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code. See Copyright.
Note: This only applies to works of the Federal Government and not to the work of any individual U.S. state, territory, commonwealth, county, municipality, or any other subdivision. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +/- |
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