I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.
In case this is not legally possible:
I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
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Descriptions en français, then in english.
- Moi, En rouge, créateur de l'image, concède sa licence au DP, comme indiqué ci-dessus
- I, En rouge, creator of the image, release it into PD, as writen above
Lacs – lakes :
- A — lac Albert – lake Albert
- E — lac Édouard – lake Edward
- K — lac Kivu – lake Kivu
- T — lac Tanganyika – lake Tanganyika
- Y — lac Kyoga – lake Kyoga
- V — lac Victoria – lake Victoria
- M — lac Malawi (lac Niassa) – lake Malawi (lake Nyasa)
Pays – countries :
- UG — Ouganda – Uganda
- KE — Kenya – Kenya
- CD — République démocratique du Congo – Democratic Republic of the Congo
- RW — Rwanda – Rwanda
- BI — Burundi – Burundi
- TZ — Tanzanie – Tanzania
- ZM — Zambie – Zambia
- MW — Malawi – Malawi
- MZ — Mozambique – Mozambique
see also 
الصفحات التالية تحتوي على وصلة لهذه الصورة: