This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons: it is considered one of our finest images. This is a featured picture on German Wikipedia and is considered one of the finest images. If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license, be sure to upload it, tag it, and nominate it. |
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Description |
Deutsch: Dieses Bild zeigt einen Blitz innerhalb der Wolken. Die Aufnahme entstand in einer sehr stürmischen und regnerischen Nacht in Zwickau.
English: This image shows a cloud to cloud lightning in a very stormy and rainy night in Zwickau, Germany.
Français : Éclair inter-nuageux survenu au cours d'une nuit d'orage venteuse et pluvieuse à Zwickau en allemagne.
Please help translating the description into more languages. Thanks a lot! If you use this image outside of the Wikimedia projects, I'd be happy to hear from you. If you want a license with the conditions of your choice, please email me to negotiate terms. |
Source |
own work |
Date |
2005-06-22 |
Author |
André Karwath aka Aka |
Permission |
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This image was selected as a picture of the day for . It was captioned as followed:
English: Cloud to cloud lightning
Brezhoneg : Luc'hedenn
Česky: Blesk mezi mraky
Cymraeg: Mellten o cwmwl i gwmwl.
Deutsch: Blitz zwischen Wolken
English: Cloud to cloud lightning
Español: Relámpago de nube a nube
Suomi: Salamanisku kahden pilven välillä
Français : Foudre entre des nuages
Galego: Raio de nube a nube.
日本語: 稲光
Latina: Fulgur
Nederlands: Bliksem tussen wolken.
Norsk (nynorsk): Lyn mellom to skyer.
Polski: Błyskawica pomiędzy dwiema chmurami
Português: Relâmpago de nuvem a nuvem
Русский: Молния между облаками
Slovenčina: Blesk medzi mrakmi
Slovenščina: Medoblačna strela
ไทย: ฟ้าแลบจากเมฆสู่เมฆ
中文(简体): 云中闪电
Bân-lâm-gú: Sih-nah
This featured picture is fairly large and has an aspect ratio of approximately 8:5, 16:10, or 16:9, making it suitable as a widescreen computer wallpaper.
See the gallery of such images, or the gallery of non-widescreen images. |
الصفحات التالية تحتوي على وصلة لهذه الصورة: