
صورة:JordanRiver en.svg

JordanRiver_en.svg (ملف إس في جي، أبعاده 1016 × 1285 بكسل، حجم الملف: 860 كيلوبايت)

The Jordan River.

Modified from http://www.un.org/Depts/Cartographic/map/profile/israel.pdf.

Cross-checked with other maps, especially in the area of the Hula swamp and the tributaries:

Public domain This image is a mapping derived from products of the United Nations Cartographic Section. Modified versions of UNCS maps may be used provided that the UN name and reference number does not appear on any modified version and a link to the original map is provided.
Modified UN maps are to be considered in the public domain. This applies worldwide

The UN maps is an open source material. You can use them to make your own maps. You do not need our permission for that. Please be advised that the UN name and reference number should not appear on any modified map. The UN map is a UN document and cannot be modified. You can say something like "Based on UN map number..." -- Vladimir Bessarabov (UNCS Cartographer), 13 April 05

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