
صورة:European honey bee extracts nectar.jpg

English: A European honey bee (Apis mellifera) extracts nectar from an Aster flower using its proboscis. Tiny hairs covering the bee's body maintain a slight electrostatic charge, causing pollen from the flower's anthers to stick to the bee, allowing for pollination when the bee moves on to another flower.
Français : Abeille européenne (Apis mellifera) prélevant du nectar d'une fleur d'Aster a l'aide de son probocis. Les fins poils recouvrant le corps de l'abeille maintiennent une charge electrostatique, qui provoque l'adhesion des grains de pollen des étamines de la fleur sur son corps, et permet à la pollinisation de s'effectuer.

Photo by John Severns.




John Severns = Severnjc

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Other versions copied from en.wikipedia [1] 06:11, 4 October 2006 . . Severnjc

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Picture of the day This image was selected as a picture of the day for . It was captioned as followed:
English: A European honey bee (Apis mellifera) extracts nectar from an Aster flower using its proboscis.

Беларуская: Еўрапейская меданосная пчала (Apis mellifera) збірае нектар з кветкі астры.
Česky: Evropská včela medonosná (Apis mellifera) na květu astry
Deutsch: Eine europäische Honigbiene (Apis mellifera) sammelt Nektar von einer Aster.
English: A European honey bee (Apis mellifera) extracts nectar from an Aster flower using its proboscis.
Esperanto: Ekzemplero de eŭropa abelo (Apis mellifera) sur floro de familio de Asteracee.
Español: Una abeja europea (Apis mellifera) extrayendo nectar de una flor del género Aster.
Français : Une abeille domestique européenne (Apis mellifera) prenant sa ration de nectar sur une fleur.
Magyar: Mézelő méh (Apis mellifera) nektárt gyűjt egy őszirózsa fészekvirágzatából
Italiano: Un esemplare di ape europea (Apis mellifera) si posa su un fiore della famiglia delle Asteracee.
日本語: アスターの花にとまり蜜を吸う、セイヨウミツバチ (Apis mellifera)
Nederlands: Een Europese honigbij (Apis mellifera) haalt nectar uit een aster met haar zuigsnuit
Polski: Europejska pszczoła miodna (Apis mellifera) pobiera nektar z kwiatu Astra używając trąbki.
Português: Uma abelha da Europa (Apis mellifera) extraindo néctar de uma flor, usando a sua tromba.
Русский: Европейская медоносная пчела (Apis mellifera), собирающая нектар с цветка Астры.
Slovenčina: Európska včela medonosná (Apis mellifera) na kvete astry
Svenska: Ett honungsbi (Apis mellifera) som samlar nektar från en aster.
‪中文(简体)‬: 一只欧洲蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)在菊花上采蜜
‪中文(繁體)‬: 一隻歐洲蜜蜂Apis mellifera)在藍菊上採蜜

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