
صورة:Bismuth crystal macro.jpg


English: Bismuth crystal. Bottom front edge has a length of about 3.5cm. Iridescent colour is created due to interference effects in a thin oxide layer, which forms when the hot crystal is pulled out of the bismuth melt. Image taken by Dschwen on January 5th 2006.
Français : Cristal de Bismuth. L'arête du bas mesure environ 3,5cm. La couleur irridescente est due à des effets d'interférences dans la fine couche d'oxyde, qui se forme lorsque le cristal chaud est sorti du bismuth liquide. Image prise par Dschwen le 5 janvier 2006.
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Picture of the day This image was selected as a picture of the day for . It was captioned as followed:
English: Synthetic Bismuth crystal, discolorations due to a thin oxide layer.

Alemannisch: Synthetischar Bismutkristall mit Vofärbunge duerch ä dünni Roschtschicht.
Asturianu: Cristal de Bismuto
Česky: Syntetický krystal bismutu (barevnost je důsledkem tenké vrstvy oxidů)
Deutsch: Synthetischer Bismutkristall mit Verfärbungen durch eine dünne Oxidschicht.
English: Synthetic Bismuth crystal, discolorations due to a thin oxide layer.
Esperanto: Sintetika kristalo de bismuto, kolorigita pro maldika oksida tavolo.
Español: Cristal de bismuto sintético, coloreado por una fina capa de óxido.
Français : Cristal de bismuth.
ગુજરાતી: માનવસર્જીત બિસ્મથ સ્ફટિક. તેની ઉપર દેખાતો રંગફેર તેની ઉપર બનેલા પાતળા ઑક્સાઇડ સ્તરને કારણે છે.
Magyar: Mesterséges bizmutkristály. Az elszinezősést az oxidréteg okozza.
Italiano: Cristallo artificiale di bismuto, colorato da un sottile strato di ossido
日本語: ビスマスの人工結晶
Latina: Crystallum bisemuteum.
Nederlands: Een synthetisch bismutkristal, de verkleuringen zijn veroorzaakt door een kleine oxidelaag.
‪Norsk (nynorsk)‬: Syntetisk vismutkrystall farga av eit tynt oksidert lag.
Polski: Syntetyczny kryształ bizmutu
Português: Cristal de bismuto.
A coloração é dada por uma fina camada oxidada.
Русский: Синтезированный кристал висмута. Радужную окраску придает тонкий слой оксида.
Slovenščina: Umetni kristal bizmuta z obarvanji zaradi tanke plasti oksida
‪中文(简体)‬: 晶体


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