لا توجد دقة أعلى متوفرة.Airbag_SEAT_Ibiza.jpg (600 × 509 بكسل، حجم الملف: 100 كيلوبايت، نوع الملف: image/jpeg)
Description |
English: The airbag of a SEAT Ibiza automobile, photographed about an hour after the car had been severely damaged in a road crash.
By 0.3 seconds after inflation, the bag is supposed to be empty.[1]
The driver crashed into the back of a Mercedes in a queue of traffic he was approaching because he thought the queue was moving. Actually it was stationary and he couldn’t stop! He said that deflation seemed instantaneous, it wasn’t seconds.
The interval between the crash and this photo was one hour because the photo was taken after the car had been towed to a garage. The quality is low because the picture had to be taken through the driver's window (which wouldn’t wind down).
The driver was not hurt in any way; chassis distortion meant that the car was written off.
Deutsch: Der Airbag eines SEAT Ibiza, photographiert ca. eine Stunde nachdem das Fahrzeug einen schweren Unfall erlitten hatte. Ungefähr 0,3 Sekunden nach dem Auslösen muss der Airbag wieder leer sein. Der Fahrer war einem Mercedes, der in einer Schlange stand, hinten aufgefahren
Taken by Adrian Pingstone in March 2003 and released to the public domain.
Source |
Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is (was) here * 13:25, 5 September 2004 [[:en:User:Lupin|Lupin]] 600×509 (102,279 bytes) <span class="comment">(cropped)</span> * 21:47, 23 May 2003 [[:en:User:Arpingstone|Arpingstone]] 600×630 (96,472 bytes) <span class="comment">(Car airbag)</span>
Date |
Author |
Users Lupin, Arpingstone on en.wikipedia
(Reusing this image) |
This image has been released into the public domain by its author, Arpingstone. This applies worldwide.
In some countries this may not be legally possible; if so:
Arpingstone grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
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منتج آلة التصوير
نوع آلة التصوير
| C3100Z,C3020Z
مدة التعرض
| 1/160 ثانية (0.00625)
العدد البؤري
| البعد البؤري/2.8
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البعد البؤري للعدسة
| 6.6 ملم
عنوان الصورة
| وضعية طبيعية
الدقة الأفقية
| 72 نقطة لكل بوصة
الدقة الرأسية
| 72 نقطة لكل بوصة
البرمجيات المستخدمة
| v374-74
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وضع Y و C
| 2
برنامج التعرض
| برنامج اعتيادي
تقييم سرعة أيزو
| 100
نسخة Exif
| 2.1
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| تاريخ غير معروف
طور ضغط الصورة
| 1
تعويض التعرض
| 0
أقصى غالق أرضي
| 3
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| نمط
مصدر الضوء
| غير معروف
| 0
فرق اللون
| إس آر جي بي