لا توجد دقة أعلى متوفرة.Adyggrb.jpg (203 × 198 بكسل، حجم الملف: 13 كيلوبايت، نوع الملف: image/jpeg)
This file has been superseded by Image:Adygeya - Coat of Arms.png.
It is recommended that the other file be used.
Reason: .png version with better resolution and with transparency is available
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Español: Escudo de Adiguesia
This work is not an object of copyright according to Part IV of Civil Code No. 230-FZ of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006.
Article 1259. Objects of Copyright
Paragraph 5
- Copyright shall not apply to ideas, concepts, principles, methods, processes, systems, means, solutions of technical, organizational and other problems, discoveries, facts, programming languages.
Paragraph 6
- Shall not be objects of copyright:
- official documents of state government agencies and local government agencies of municipal formations, including laws, other legal texts, judicial decisions, other materials of legislative, administrative and judicial character, official documents of international organizations, as well as their official translations;
- state symbols and signs (flags, emblems, orders, banknotes, and the like), as well as symbols and signs of municipal formations;
- works of folk art (folklore), which don't have specific authors;
- news reports on events and facts, which have a purely informational character (daily news reports, television programs, transportation schedules, and the like).
Full text of the Code: in Russian.
Comment – According to interstate and international compacts, the Russian Federation is the legal successor of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; therefore, this license tag is also applicable to official symbols and formal documents of the Russian SFSR and the USSR (union level[1]).
Warning – This license tag cannot be applied to proposed official symbols and drafts of formal documents, which can be copyrighted.
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This coat of arms image should be recreated using vector graphics as an SVG file. This has several advantages; see Commons:Media for cleanup for more information. If an SVG form of this image is already available, please upload it. After uploading an SVG, replace this template with template {{|new image name.svg}} in this image. |
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English: Adygea coat of arms
Русский: Герб Адыгеи
الصفحات التالية تحتوي على وصلة لهذه الصورة:
هذا الملف يحتوي معلومات إضافية، غالبا ما تكون أضيفت من قبل آلة التصوير الإلكترونية أو الماسح الضوئي المستخدم في تحميل الصورة إلى الحاسوب. إذا كان الملف قد عُدّل عما كان عليه عند تحميل الصورة فإن المعلومات الواردة هنا قد لا تعبر عن هذه الصورة المعدلة.
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الدقة الأفقية
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الدقة الرأسية
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نسخة Exif
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